Thanks for visiting our on-line information for Amtrak service to/from Centralia. The people of Centralia and the friendly Amtrak train personnel at the Centralia train depot are glad that you've visited this website. Centralia is a friendly, small city located on I-5 midway between Seattle and Portland and just a few miles away from our twin city, Chehalis.
Everyone wanted to keep the feel of the original decor and the building architecture, which fits in well with the other historical buildings in the downtown hub. The curved ceilings are highlighted by a hanging chandelier along with incandescent bulbs which surround the rectangular opening in the waiting room. The depot has become one of the best looking buildings in downtown Centralia.
Residents, officials and the Amtrak personnel are rightfully proud of the remodeled depot. If you're just driving through the area, we encourage you to stop in and take a look at our depot which also is home for Destination Centralia. The station is located in the older part of town, just a few hundred yards from our Centralia library and park.
Ticketing Hours: Daily 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm - 6:00 pm
If you're interested in shopping at the our antique and outlet stores, you should call Destination Centralia at 1-800-831-5334 or 1-360-736-8730. Destination Centralia sometimes has excellent train fares to offer, plus a packet of money saving coupons AND van/shuttle service to make sure you get to our local points of interest.
Unfortunately, our Centralia station is not open for every train. It is unstaffed for the early morning train (Train 751) and the evening trains (Trains 755 & 754). If you are planning on traveling on any of those trains, you can either purchase your tickets on-board, pay by credit card over the phone, or pick your tickets up early within regular station hours.
Our depot in Centralia has been restored to some of its original glory. Please, make sure "stopping by" is on your list of "Things to Do."
Funding for the station was provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Washington State Department of Transportation. Local residents and local officials are especially happy with our "new" depot as is the Washington Association of Rail Passengers.
The waiting room was left with its original dark-oak seats. The seats are still servicable and still very comfortable. They require little up-keep and their beauty is easy to maintain. The depot is used by both Amtrak passengers and as a rest stop for our local transit. New restrooms were installed and they also were designed to be remind us of the past while functioning well in the present.
A new brass drinking fountain was installed that gives a feeling of timeless beauty and functionality. The brass contrasts and complements the many oak features throughout the building.
There are dozens of antique shops within a two or three minute walk from the Centralia depot. The area where you find the depot contains many murals highlighting historical events of Lewis County and Centralia.
Wheelchair accessibility
Free short term & overnight parking
Transit Information: Twin Transit
Our Centralia station is proud to recommend the local Amtrak Cascade service ( All of the 700 Series trains are the new high-speed Talgo trains, which offer movies enroute and business class accomodations. These trains are designed with commuters in mind. Laptop computers can be plugged in at most seats for high-tech travel.
All trains require reservations. When you make your reservations you will be given a reservation number and a date by which you must purchase your tickets. Please, write the number down and bring it with you to pick up your train tickets.
Reservations should be made through the toll-free information & reservation phone service at 1-800-872-7245. With their automated reservation system, you may make your reservations via touch-tone phone. And, although this is an automated answering service, one of the options you will be presented with is "zero."
By pressing zero you will be connected to an information/reservation clerk. While making your reservation with the central reservation system you may ask about special discounts (AAA, Senior Citizen, etc.) and you may also pay by credit card. When you pay by credit card over the phone, you do not need to pick up your tickets early, unless it is to have your tickets in hand for a train arriving in Centralia when they are unstaffed. You can't pay by credit card over the phone via the Centralia station -- you must pay through the reservation system. You may also make your reservations on the main AMTRAK WEBSITE. Don't forget to ask about the Frequent Flyer Mileage Program in conjuction with Alaska Airlines. You can ride Amtrak and get Alaska Airline miles. There is now another feature, Amtrak Rewards, where you can gain rail travel miles for travel on Amtrak. Sign-up on-line and get bonus points. Another great (and some say much better Amtrak information site) link is TrainWeb.
Here is an abbreviated train schedule:
Trains going North depart Centralia at:
10:17 am - Train 750 to Olympia, Tacoma, Seattle, and connections
02:02 pm - Train 752 to Olympia, Tacoma, Seattle
05:50 pm - Train 14* to Olympia, Tacoma, Seattle
07:47 pm - Train 754 to Olympia, Tacoma, Seattle
*Train 14 originates in Los Angles and is frequently late. Please, call the toll-free information number (1-800-872-7245), or the local office at (360)736-8653 for up-dated arrival information. Trains #11 & $14 are the popular Coast Starlight trains which provide travel etween Seattle and Los Angeles on a daily basis.
Trains going South depart Centralia at:
09:18 am - Train 751** to Kelso, Vancouver, Portland
11:53 am - Train 11*** to Kelso, Vancouver, Portland and on to California
03:33 pm - Train 753** to Kelso, Vancouver, Portland
07:08 pm - Train 755 to Kelso, Vancouver, Portland, Salem, Albany, Eugene
**Trains 751 and 753 connect with buses that go on to Salem, Albany, and Eugene.
***Train 11 continues on past Portland to Salem, Albany, Eugene, Chemult, and Klamath Falls and then into California where it makes a number of stops on the way to Los Angeles.
Every destination on Amtrak has at least four different fare plans, which makes it difficult to quote train fares, but generally the sooner you make your reservations, the less expensive it's going to be. Most fares are based on one way travel.
Here are some sample fares:
One Way Centralia to Seattle $13.00 to $22.00
One Way Centralia to Portland $13.00 to $22.00
Please, be careful when boarding and de-training. We have two tracks that the trains use, but no one ever knows which one any particular train will use. There are two wooden crossings available so that you do not have to step on or over the train tracks, which can be dangerous. We have completed one half of our platform remodeling, which gives easier access for boarding and walking near trainside, but there is still work to do. The platform between the tracks is in need of repair and remodeling, so please be careful when walking there.
Since our station isn't open for all trains, and because the Amtrak personnel are often providing other services away from the boarding area, please listen for boarding instructions from our on-board personnel. As each train arrives at the depot, a conductor or attendant will step out and advise you on boarding. Trains at our station are there only a few minutes, so please be ready to board when the train arrives.
Unfortunately, baggage service is not available on all of the local trains. Only trains serviced during station hours have baggage and express service. Baggage must be checked at least one half hour before train departure to assure that your baggage will travel on the same train as you. Most pieces should be under 50 pounds. Baggage in excess of 50 pounds will be charged $10.00 per overweight piece. Cardboard boxes should be taped (with strapping tape -- not masking or duct tape) and tied with rope (not string) to withstand shipping, stacking and occasional dampness. There is a limit of three pieces totaling no more 150 pounds total per ticketed passenger. Centralia Amtrak is unable to accept anything heavier than 75 pounds. They do not accept anything perishable or fragile. Generally, speaking baggage items consist of clothes and other items you would normally take on a trip.
For many non-baggage items there is the Package Express service, which is available across the United States. Please, give them a call at 360-736-8653 for our rates and limitations. You can also visit the Amtrak Package Express Website for detailed information. Our express rates are very competitive and we can generally provide one or two day service from Centralia to Southern California.
If you are traveling to Centralia, please do not expect to simply call a cab or taxi for transportation. Sometimes our Centralia cab service disappears. When you're coming to Centralia, it would be a good idea to have your arrangements already made for someone to pick you up. Since the station isn't open for the last two trains in the evening, you'll need to walk to the nearest phone which is located in the parking lot of the Azteca Restaurant about a hundred yards away, across the street from one of Centralia's wonderful murals.
We are looking for volunteers to greet our trains as they arrive and to open and close the depot when Amtrak personnel are not on duty. You can volunteer at the Destination Centralia website.
Thank you, again for visiting our website.